
Residenz Tanz Leck was a project from 2014 – 2016. We are currently not offering residencies.


The Residency Tanz Leuk offers a space for research and production to young contemporary dancers and performance artists.

Our aim is to support young contemporary dancers and performance artists at the beginning of their artistic career.

We provide them with studio space (two studios at Tanzzentrum SOSTA Leuk (VS), 123m2 and 76m2) and accommodation for 2 – 4 weeks. The length of the residency may be extended on request. Residency Tanz Leuk invites between 4 and 5 groups of artists per semester.

Application conditions

The residency is directed at young contemporary dancers and performance artists with less than four years of professional experience. The invited artists will either give a workshop to the local population or show stages of their working process to a public.

Application dossier

  • Completed application form (provided by us)
  • Letter of motivation
  • Biography of every group member
  • Project description (minimum 1 page A4)
  • Recordings of previous projects or research

Completed applications will be examined twice a year (spring and summer). Residencies can take place at any time during the year. During the school year the studios in Tanzzentrum SOSTA are available from 8 am to 4.30 pm. During school holidays the studios can be used at any time.

Application deadlines:

For a residency between January and June: 31st of August
For a residency between July and December: 28th of February

Contact: residenztanzleuk@gmx.ch